003 CLOUD PLANET – Rules, rights and duties in the cloud industry

We talk about cloud for SMEs, between rights, development, security and revitalization.

Commendable initiative of Iusintech, with the participation of Guido Scorza (Consiglio del Garante per la protezione dei dati personali), Rita Eva Cresci (Iusintech), Maria Roberta Perugini (Iusintech), Giuseppe Fragola (MISE), Roberto Giacobazzi (University of Verona), Raffaele Conte (CNR), Paolo Costa (Spindoc), Roberto Moro Visconti (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore), Stefan Umit U. (4Securitas), Alessandro Vallega (Rexilience), Cesare Burei (MARGAS), Massimiliano De Gregorio (REVO Spac), Raffaele Barberio (Key4biz), Michele Zunino (Consorzio Italia Cloud), Jeff Zakar (Irideos), Laura Capodicasa (Irideos), Francisco Mingorance (CISPE).